Contact us
Lewiatan represents interests of Polish entrepreneurs in the European Union. More than 60% of business-relevant legislation is adopted in Brussels - therefore we need to have our say there. Lewiatan is the only Polish entrepreneurs' organization to have a permanent representation in Brussels. We issue opinions, both through BUSINESSEUROPE and on direct basis, on drafts of directives and other acts of the EU law having impact on the European economy, as well as monitor important developments of the European economic policy. Representatives of Lewiatan and its member enterprises participate in the works of committees and advisory agencies to European institutions.
Warsaw Office
ul. Zbyszka Cybulskiego 3
00-727 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 55 99 900
Brussels Office
Polish Confederation Lewiatan
Brussels Office
Avenue de Cortenbergh 168
1000 Brussels, Belgium
tel. +32 2 732 12 10
Contact for media
One of the most important tasks of the Lewiatan's Communication Department is to assist journalists at their job. We contact you with our authorities and experts, provide you with all necessary information and materials. Can we help? Just call us.
Director - Kuba Giedrojć +48 22 55 99 903
Dagmara Ciećwierska +48 22 55 99 905
Zbigniew Maciąg +48 22 55 99 906