BusinessEurope pushes for more Single Market

BusinessEurope on 10 April invited Member State officials, EU institutions and stakeholder partners such as business organisations, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) and think tanks to have an open discussion on the future design of the Single Market rules and their implementation after the European election.

 Our Director General Markus J. Beyrer pointed out that Europe needs a strong and more integrated Single Market to be able to compete globally and to tackle current challenges like a changing environment for global trade, fast technological development and a fierce innovation competition, migration, climate change to name some. No EU Member State is capable of addressing it all alone. Freedoms of movement of capital, goods, services, people and data in the Single Market can give huge economic power which would enable faster economic and social convergence that is so needed in the EU. "Europe needs a fair level-playing field with the unquestioned freedoms of movement of people, capital, goods, services and data", he said. Participants, including the European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, exchanged their thinking on the ambition for a barrier-free, fair and future-proof Single Market, and how to make rules so that market integration brings benefits to all. The event highlighted the necessity of "taking it seriously" to create an enforceable level playing field and ideas how to make implementation and enforcement more effective, transparent and uniform. This conference was a contribution to in depth discussion on the future agenda of the Single Market.


Source: BusinessEurope