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How is Outdoor Learning used to motivate and develop employees in other countries

Termin 23th of September, 2021, time: 10:00-12:00



How Outdoor Learning is developing in Europe and in the world, and what are the forecasts for the future. We will provide examples from abroad and present conclusions from the research on the effectiveness of Outdoor Learning prepared for CIE by the University of Edinburgh. The webinar will be held in English with the participation of experts from the University of Edinburgh and practitioners from the Scottish Venture Trust.


• Presentation and discussion of research results that show the personal development of FOLM participants and the development of their soft skills based on the Edinburgh Model.
• HR problems - European problems, not only Polish. Outdoor Learning is a universal method of solving these kind of problems.
• Cross-sectoral cooperation in improving the labour market. How local government, companies and universities together oppose unemployment thanks to Outdoor Learning.
The participants of the webinar will learn from the creators of this approach how many common challenges we have on the European labour market and how they solve the problem of unemployment in other countries thanks to Outdoor Education. The speakers will also share their experiences with Outdoor Learning in Scotland and Spain and its effect in reducing unemployment and motivating employees.
The participant will also:
• have the opportunity to ask questions from experts on a global scale.
• learn how to combine outdoor activities, digitization and staff development.
Moderator of the meeting:
Joanna Bochniarz, Prezeska Centrum Innowacyjnej Edukacji/ President of the Center for Innovative Education
Jule Hildmann (PhD), Senior Research Fellow, Outdoor Environmental Education, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh.
Simon White, Fundacja Venture Trust, Operations Resource Manager/ Venture Trust supports people to gain the life skills, stability and confidence needed to reach their potential.


Center for Innovative Education (CIE) ensures what most of us did not experience at school
• trust in one's own capabilities,
• awareness of one's own strong suits,
• information on how to strengthen one's inner motivation,
• teamworking skills
• the ability to face emergencies
• the development of leadership skills.
Ever since its establishment, CIE has been cooperating with businesses by following and adapting its offer to labour market trends and employer needs. CIE have been engaged in a continuous dialogue with business associations within the framework of our New Education Forum conferences, as well as events that have extended their hospitality to us, such as The European Forum for New Ideas, and Congress of the Future.


Joanna Bochniarz
President of the Center for Innovative Education (CIE) and co-creator of the New Education Forum. Since 2004, the author of educational programmes aimed at business, EU, national and regional authorities and educational environments. Previously, a business lawyer in an international law firm (1994-2009). A graduate of the University of Warsaw and ESADE Business School.

Jule Hildmann
Jule Hildmann (PhD) is a Senior Research Fellow in Outdoor Environmental Education at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. She is a practitioner and researcher in outdoor and experiential learning with international expertise. Her work focusses on promoting social and personal growth in and with the outdoors. Jule is also a systemic counsellor, qualified as teacher in special education, and train-the-trainer at the Centre for Experiential Education (CEP), Germany. She is lead researcher in the European project 'From Outdoors to Labor Market'.

Simon White
The Operations Manager for Venture Trust, a charity delivering intensive learning and development programmes in the wilderness in Scotland. He has worked in the outdoor education and adventure sector for over 20 years, working on five continents during this time. He has specialised in expeditions, and personal development for marginalised groups within society. For the last ten years bringing these two areas together to try and work with people to achieve their full potential.



In case of any questions, please contact:
Grażyna Mazurek
Konfederacja Lewiatan
tel. +48 22 55 99 940 ONLINE REGISTRATION
