Konferencja Future in the making
FTA2018 Programme Tuesday 5 June09:30-10:30
Welcome & keynote (Copper Hall)
Xavier Troussard, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Keynote: Christian Bason, Danish Design Centre
Designing futures: How immersive scenarios can power collaborative innovation
Serious gaming and immersion
10:30-12:00 & 13:15-14:45
Parallel sessions I
A1 - Evaluation of Foresight Projects and Programmes for Impact
A2 - Evolution and Transformation of Cities, Regions and Communities
A3 - System Dynamics, Modelling and Gaming
A4 - Futures Proficiency for Society
A5 - Scenario Design for Policymaking
A6 - Preparing for Societal Challenges
A7 - Hands-on: One Size Does Not Fit All in the Future - Navigating the Innovation Method Wilderness
A8 - Hands-on: Emerging Policy Issues - Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Sandwich lunch & posters display
Parallel sessions II
B1 - STI Priority Assessment Methodologies
B2 - Participation for Local, Regional and National Strategies
B3 - Algorithm-based Foresight Methods
B4 - Systems of Values and Foresight
B5 - Towards Innovative Approaches in Foresight
B6 - Hands-on: Going Digital - Exploring OECD Scenarios
B7 - Hands-on: Rapid Future Government Fabrication Workshop
B8.I - Hands-on: Foresight in Challenging Policy Environments
Coffee break & posters display
Parallel sessions III
C1 - Hands-on: Can We Take Stakeholder Engagement in System Innovations to a Deeper Level?
C2 - Horizon Scanning & Beyond
C3 - Shaping Research Policy for Europe Through Foresight
B8.II - Hands-on: Foresight in Challenging Policy Environments (continued)
C5 - Hands-on: Developing Forward-looking Strategies - Story Mapping on the Example of Mobility and Transport
C6 - Modelling Outside of the Comfort Zone
C7 - STI Priority Assessment Methodologies - National Applications
C8 - Addressing Urban Complexity Through the Resilience Lens
Closure (Copper Hall)
With the participation of Adam Dorywalski.