Spotkanie z duńskim związkiem pracodawców
14 October 2014, 9.00-14.00
Confederation Lewiatan
(3 Z. Cybulskiego Str., Warsaw)
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
(1/3/5 Nowogrodzka Str., Warsaw)
DA representatives want to discuss mainly mobility of workers, namely conditions under which Polish workers are employed in Denmark. Danish are afraid that the present public debate - ‘welfare tourism', i.e. unemployment benefit, child benefit, and abusing the system by migrant workers - may lead to more rigid & costly regulations related to employing foreign workers. Important issue to discuss are conditions for Polish companies operating in Denmark. There are some restrictions especially in the construction industry that are against EU legislation and are creating exceptional obstacles to access to the Danish market.
Points to discuss:
· in case of public procurement tenderer is obliged to sign Danish existing collective agreements;
· Poland has submitted the complaint to the EC on the Danish Open Register - each company that wants to send PL workers to DK has to complete registration process;
· Possibility to conclude bilateral agreement between PL and DK on migrant workers, taking example of bilateral agreements already signed (NL);
· other possible actions for improvement of Polish-Danish workers and companies mobility.
9.00 - 9.40 Jakub Wojnarowski, Deputy General Director and Grzegorz Baczewski, Director, Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations Department (Polish Confederation Lewiatan's Office, 3 Zbyszka Cybulskiego Str.)
10.00-11.00 Radosław Mleczko, Undersecretary of the State, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (1/3/5 Nowogrodzka Str., room 103)
11.30-13.00 Representatives of firms and organizations interested in posting of workers and access to foreign labour markets (Polish Confederation Lewiatan's Office, 3 Z. Cybulskiego Str.):
- Polish Forum HR - association of Employment Agencies
- Mobility Initiative - organization lobbing for internal mobility in Europe
- Polish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce - representing construction companies operating in Denmark - Tadeusz Iwonowski, Chairman
- Tradma - employment agency operating in foreign markets (TBC)
13.00 LUNCH